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Genetix General Health Supplements

Health is your number one asset, love your body with Genetix Nutrition’s range of health and wellness products.

Daily GreensDaily Greens
Daily Greens


Men's Multi Pro


Ultimate Glow PackUltimate Glow Pack
Ultimate Glow Pack


Energy PackEnergy Pack
Energy Pack


Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars


Women's Multi Pro
Adrenal Code Zen

Know More About this collection

A healthy diet and exercise can do wonders for your overall health and wellbeing, but what happens if you start feeling like that’s not enough? In today’s modern society, you may be exposed to stress, pollutants, poor nutrition, and lifestyle factors that are often beyond your control. The team at Genetix Nutrition are committed to empowering you with the very best, science-backed formulas so you can feel and look your best, every day.

Genetix Nutrition’s Multi Max Men and Multi Max Women are an everyday nutritional supplement that covers all your micronutrient needs. This innovative and essential multivitamin has been therapeutically dosed to support your cardiovascular system, mental performance, energy production, immune function and hormonal health in both men and women.

If you’re feeling stressed out and looking for other ways to support your body, Adrenal Code has been expertly crafted with the highest quality and well-researched ingredients to support cortisol optimisation. Say goodbye to poor sleep, mild anxiety and foggy thoughts and say hello to improved performance, increased energy levels and a happy, thriving you!

Curb your cravings and enjoy your diet when you include Genetix Lean Dessert to your daily snack schedule. This rich, creamy and delicious custard-style dessert is the perfect weight loss companion. High in protein, low in carbohydrates and loaded with MCT oil for energy and brain support, you’ll simply love Genetix Lean Dessert.

Nourish your skin, hair, nails, and joints with Marine Collagen +. This inner beauty supplement has been created using hydrolysed marine collagen which is well known for its optimal absorption into the body. Each scoop of Genetix Nutrition’s Marine Collagen + will deliver everything you need for radiant skin, glossy hair, and age-defying beauty benefits!

Shop our range of General Health supplements to support your health and wellness today!

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Studies have shown that consistently taking a collagen supplement for a few months can help improve skin elasticity, reduce the signs of aging and importantly, help make your bones denser by slowing down the aging process that makes them brittle.

If you are allergic to fish, you absolutely must not take marine collagen. Some users have reported a bad taste in their mouths while a few have reported minor bloating and digestive issues. However, for the majority of users, the benefits of collagen on their digestion are overwhelmingly positive.

Yes! It’s actually absorbed up to 1.5 more effectively in the body than other collagen sources such as bovine. Marine collagen particles are smaller making it ideal for your body to digest and absorb quickly

As a dietary supplement, take 1 scoop with 300ml of water once daily.

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